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1848 was the start of mining ironstone from the Cleveland main seam at Skinningrove.

The 1841 census shows there are 63 people living in the village of which only 17 are adult males.

Most are employed as labourers at the Alum mines along the coast at Boulby

The mine opened in 1848 and in the first year 784 tons of ironstone was mined.

1851 the population had grown to 115 of which 45 are adult males. John Roseby (Iron Agent) employing 28 miners. The iron miners in the village were recorded as born in Lincolnshire, Devon, Durham and 18 from Ireland,

The mine passed through the ownership of Roseby Brothers and Bolckow Vaughan but when John Vaughan found ironstone at Eston in 1850 the company abandoned Loftus mine which was closed for several months until opened by Losh Wilson & Bell in October 1850.

1861 the population was 92 of which only 3 were iron miners, Henry Brittain 16 born Brotton, William Ovington 25 born Lofthouse and John Newton 56 born Easington. The only adult males born outside the area are George Allinson 37 Innkeeper, Grafton, North Yorkshire, John Brown 59 Agricultural Labourer, Durham and William Stebbings 52 Coast Guard, Greenwich, Kent.

1864 saw the ownership pass to Pease & Partners and so more men were required to work the mine.

As more men were required, adverts were placed in newspapers all over the country.

Western Morning News 4th October 1865

To Miners, About a dozen miners wanted for ironstone mining at Grosmont, Yorkshire, constant work, good steady men will make 30 shillings per week clear. Also a blacksmith wanted, must be used to pit work and to sharpening miners tools.

Application can be made to Mr Samuel Abbott, Redruth

Whitby Gazette 10th March 1866

To Miners, Wanted a few good miners to contract to drive Adit Levels, near Lofthouse, also a good Forman, well accustomed to superintend underground work.

Apply to General Manager, Liverton Ironstone Company, Lofthouse

Cornish Telegraph 13 June 1866

Twenty or thirty miners are required for working ironstone.

Cornish miners have occasionally been employed before and done well.

Miners get a minimum of 4s 10d per day

Labourers 2s 8d to 3s 3d per day

About ten cottages, with gardens are now vacant. If ten men with sons amounting to that number, came over with their wives, it would be a beginning. They then might communicate to their relations and friends as many hundreds of men are required.

For further information apply to the Editor of this paper

Northern Echo 10th March 1870

Liverton Ironstone Mines

Miners Wanted, Apply to the Works near Lofthouse

Sheffield Daily Telegraph April 23 1870

Miners Wanted

Agents have been appointed in London and Rotherhithe for the ironstone mines belonging to

Mr Pease M.P in Durham, where there is a dearth of this description of labour and a steamer has been provided to carry those intending to take work free of cost

Tavistock Gazette 11 August 1871

To Cornwall Miners

Wanted Immediately a number of miners for the Cleveland District.

Good wages, paid once a fortnight. On agreement for six months work, expenses paid.

Apply to M E Jobling Esq, St Stephens, St Austell, Cornwall

Western Morning News 13 July 1871

No Strike-Miners Wanted- 50 able bodied men are required for the Cleveland District.

Contracts to let, by which good wages may be earned, house, firing and garden provided.

Passage paid for each man and his family, from railway station to the place.

Applyto Capt W Godden, Horrabridge, Devon

The Royal Cornwall Gazette, June 24th 1876

Wanted a number of miners for the Cleveland ironstone Mines. Average wage 5s, 6d, per day, constant employment, no strike or wage difficulty exists, Train fare paid for able bodied men, and suitable arrangements made for families. Applications to be made to Captain Thomas, Roselyon Cottage, Par Station.

1871 the population has risen to 337 of which 117 are adult males, consisting of miners, mine labourers, blacksmiths, bricklayers, joiners, engine drivers, platelayers, cooper, carpenter, shoemaker, butcher, farmer, farm labourer and coastguard. Places of birth were Devon, Cornwall, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Durham, Kent, Dorset, Lancashire, Somerset, Hereforshire, Sussex and Essex. This village is now full of men and their families from all over the country all attracted to the area by the ironstone mines.