We intend to publish images that have been lent to us over the years. Copyright holders will be identified where possible. Many of the photographs are already in the public domain. Anyone wishing to have a photograph added to the site should contact us.

Kilton Viaduct
Timm’s Coffee House

School Photos
Skinningrove in the 1950s was very different than to today, we had no computer or electronic games, not many people had TV so radio was the main source of information. Children had more freedom than now, parents were not afraid to let their children out to play.
These are some photos from the Senior School in Skinningrove. If you can name anybody please get in touch and we will add names.

Photos by Irene Kettle
Here are two photos taken in the early 1950s on Deepdale Lane (known locally as Wood Road) between Skinningrove and Loftus. One of the photos shows Bill Andrew and, in the pram, his daughter Irene who told the history group: “My dad was born and bred in Skinningrove, as were my grandparents and great-grandparents. I’ve spent many happy hours on ‘Saltburn side’ and like to walk there when I try and visit every year and remember happy times. My dad’s cousin is Mrs Teasdale on New Company Row; my great-grandparents’ name was Harker”.
The photos show some features of local industry at that time, including the aerial cable that took shale from Loftus Ironstone Mine to the tip beside Deepdale Lane. The structure above Bill and Irene was there to protect pedestrians from any shale that might fall from the overhead buckets. In the distance is Skinningrove Iron & Steel Works and part of the mine can be seen below. The zig zag railway is also visible on one of the photos.
If you have any archive images or documents of the Skinningrove area that you wish to share with others, please contact us.